Wasn't Mexico Supposed to Pay for that Wall?
Fox News
Virginia Democratic Primary and Pro-Life Democrat
Larry O'Connor Show
General Assembly Rejects McAuliffe Towing Bill Amendment
City leaders respond after Gov. McAuliffe's outfalls deadline decision
Alexandria Times
Governor signs bill for strict sewer fix in Alexandri
Inside NOVA
Statement by Del. Mark Levine on "Victim-Blaming
Blue Virginia
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Alexandria, VA 22314
Mark's Monthly Meetup Today!
Los Tios in Del Ray
Sunday, April 30 at 2 pm
Please join me for the April Mark's Monthly Meetup this afternoon at Los Tios Mexican restaurant in Del Ray (2615 Mount Vernon Avenue in Alexandria). With the Veto Session wrapping up this month, we'll have plenty to talk about. Come join us to eat, relax, and discuss policy and politics.
This month, a special treat: my cousin singer-songwriter Stacy Beyer will come all the way from Nashville, Tennessee to debut her new song Good Trouble which I hope may soon become a Theme Song of the Resistance. You won't want to miss it!
Standing Up for Survivors of Sexual and Domestic Violence
April was a busy month for me defending survivors of sexual and domestic violence:
Sexual-Assault Victim's Bill of Rights (HB 2127)
1. Governor McAuliffe signed my legislation, the Sexual-Assault Victim's Bill of Rights (HB2127), to require law enforcement to store physical evidence recovery kits ("rape kits") until a survivor at least reaches the age of 28, with 10-year extensions available upon the survivor's request.
Virginia Advisory Committee on Sexual and Domestic Violence
2. I attended the Virginia Advisory Committee on Sexual and Domestic Violence quarterly meeting in Richmond. Senator Barbara Favola, who chairs the committee, and I were the only legislators present. I'm proud of the major impact both of us have had in helping survivors get the resources they need. The next meeting is scheduled for June, and is open to the public. Please contact me know if you'd like to join us.
3. I took a tour of Doorways for Women and Families, Arlington's premier shelter and service-provider for sexual-assault and domestic-violence survivors. The services Doorways provides, from shelter to child-care and from mental-health to job-training, take people at the end of their rope with nowhere else to turn and give them a new lease on life. I'm very proud of the work they do. Please contact them about taking a tour yourself.
4. The Fifth Annual "Rally Against Rape," which I've attended and sponsored for four years now, was again a fantastic opportunity for survivors of sexual assault to recount what happened to them in a safe environment that is actually as much therapy session as rally. Thank you to all the courageous survivors for sharing your stories. Hearing you each year always reminds me what I'm fighting for and fuels my passion on this. Although still primarily women, I was glad to see a lot more men turn out this year, and some of them shared their stories as well. Caroline Romano (pictured in first photo) does a fantastic job in putting this together every year.
Speaking at the Rally Against Rape
Mission 51:
Elect a Virginia House Democratic Majority!
As many of you know, Democrats hold a mere 34 seats in Virginia's 100-member House of Delegates. That's the bad news. But the good news is that in 2016, Hillary Clinton beat Donald Trump in 51 Delegate districts. Which means, by simple addition:
34 + 17 = 51

Talking to Indivisible Del Ray about how important these 2017 elections are
Only about 60% of the people who vote in Presidential years usually vote in Gubernatorial years. But this year, the tremendous excitement makes me think we can break these odds. All we have to do is get the same people to voted last November to vote this November, and we can bring a landslide change to Virginia politics, while sending a powerful anti-Trump message that would resound nationwide! If we won the Virginia House of Delegates, national Republicans in Congress would -- like rats from sinking a ship -- desert the Trump Agenda in droves. Come help us take back our country.
I've been doing my part.
Attending a fundraiser at Senator Barbara Favola's House to support Ralph Northam for Governor, pictured with Lt. Governor Northam, Senator Favola and other elected officials
In addition to speaking both to Indivisible Del Ray and Indivisible Arlington this month, I've been working behind the scenes with Democrats to Go and several Democratic candidates running for the House of Delegates. I remember what it was like as a first-time candidate. Frankly, I learned many lessons the hard way. So I've been happy to share my hard-won experience with these new candidates and grass-roots activists across the Commonwealth. We now are contesting 84(!) of Virginia's 100 legislative seats with more than a hundred candidates throughout the Commonwealth.
Lee Carter, Wendy Gooditis, David Reid, and Donte Tanner are four Democrats without primary opponents in Fairfax, Loudoun, and Prince William Counties who could use your help right now. And dozens more Democrats are contesting June primaries. In fact, we can win a total of 11 of the 17 seats needed to take the majority just in Fairfax, Loudoun, and Prince William!
Speaking about this year's House of Delegates elections at Del. Alfonso Lopez's Straw Poll

Honoring Arlington's Teacher of the Year Jennifer Burgin
I was so pleased to hear that Arlington's 2016 Teacher of the Year, second-grade teacher Jennifer Burgin, taught at Oakridge Elementary School, one of the great schools in the Arlington part of the 45th District I represent. I knew an achievement like that couldn't go unobserved. So I introduced Commending Resolution HJ 973 to honor Ms. Burgin. The resolution, co-patroned by the entire Arlington Delegation, passed unanimously, and I had the privilege of presenting my resolution to her in front of her second-grade class. It was wonderful to see first-hand this terrific teacher at work!
My mom was a first-grade teacher, and I know it takes a special kind of person to have the patience and compassion and energy to handle a bunch of smart, rambunctious seven-year-olds. The best part of my visit was taking the kids' suggestions for legislation. Some of their ideas were amazingly thoughtful! Clearly, Ms. Burgin does her job very, very well.
In the Community
Learning to love Unions even more than I already do...
Where else in the USA can you get paid good wages (and time and a half for overtime of course) to learn important hands-on skills in a lucrative trade?
Thank you, IBEW Local Union 26, for opening our eyes to the incredible apprentice education you bring to our community!
My first attempt at pipe bending
Teaching Alexandria children how Government works...
Take Your Daughters and Sons to Work Day at Alexandria City Hall
Back on Radio/TV
Upcoming Events I Will Be Attending:
(Please join me.)
Sunday, April 30 2-4 pm
Mark's Monthly Meetup
Los Tios Restaurant in Del Ray
2615 Mt. Vernon Ave., Alexandria
Monday, May 1 at 7:30 pm
Alexandria Democratic Committee Meeting
Minnie Howard School, 3801 W Braddock Rd, Alexandria
Tuesday, May 2 at 7:00 pm
Progressives Engage Democratic Gubernatorial Forum
Arlington Conference Center, 4301 Wilson Blvd, Arlington
Saturday, May 6 at 7:00 pm
Advocacy and Vigil for Immigrants, Refugees, and Asylum Seekers
Fairlington Presbyterian Church, 3846 King St, Alexandria
Sunday, May 7* at 10:30 am
Presenting Commending Resolution to Beulah Baptist Church
Beulah Baptist Church, 320 S Washington St, Alexandria
Sunday, May 7* at 7:00 pm
Alexandria Democratic Committee JJ Dinner
Westin Alexandria, 400 Courthouse Square, Alexandria
Thursday, May 11 at 6:00 pm
Alexandria Bar Association Legislative Update
American Legion Hall, 400 Cameron St, Alexandria
Thursday, May 25 at 7:00 pm
Mark's and Mark's First Annual Rainbow Democrats Extravaganza
Freddie's Beach Bar & Restaurant, 555 23rd Street South, Arlington
*May 7 is my birthday. This footnote is also a check to see if folks actually read the newsletter this far.
It is always my honor and privilege to serve you.
Delegate Mark Levine
Serving Alexandria, Arlington, and Fairfax in Virginia's 45th District