My Budget Requests to the Governor
January 16: Oath of Office in Richmond
Washington Blade: Sweeping LGBT Rights Legislation Coming to Virginia
ARLNow: Picked Up the Blade Story
Richmond TV: Not Even Sworn In Yet, But Already Making News in the Capitol
On the website, via email, on Facebook or on Twitter.
Richmond Office:
209 N 9th Street
Room 709
P.O. Box 406
Richmond, VA 23218
Alexandria Office:
301 King Street
Alexandria, VA 22314
For important dates for legislation, go here.
For important dates during the session, go here.
I Have Arrived!
Thursday night, after the Arlington Public Meeting, I drove down to Richmond and arrived after midnight. I didn’t sleep too much, though. I got up early for my last pre-session Freshman Orientation and spent all day on Friday at the General Assembly Building and the State Capitol. I tried out my new desk (number 7) inside the House of Delegates and was pleased to see my name up on the voting board.
My desk in the House Chamber
Voting Board
House Directory
Directions to our office
Office 709
Getting set up
My New Staff
That evening, I met my Legislative Aide Donald Moss, whose family goes back centuries in Richmond, and has worked many legislative sessions. Donald even worked for Adam Ebbin, both in the House of Delegates and in the Senate. So he knows the issues of our area well. Donald joins my Chief of Staff Steven Marku, whom many of you have met already. Steve is a Duke Law School graduate and former Attorney-Advisor to the Social Security Administration. So he is well equipped to handle the most difficult legal issues that might arise. They’re going to make a great team for me in Richmond, along with my newAdministrative Assistant Gena Barker, whom I meet tomorrow.
Meanwhile, my wonderful District Director Donna McLeanlooks out for the 45th while we’re gone. Rounding out Team Levine is a name familiar to most of you, former Alexandria School Board Member Kelly Booz, who currently serves Governor McAuliffe on the Standards of Learning Innovation Committee that oversees public schools in the Commonwealth. Kelly has graciously agreed to join my team as my Education Advisor.
Donald and Steve
Mark and Donna
Last Town Hall Before Session
Tuesday night, January 5th, I hosted a Town Hall at the ADC Office in Alexandria where I detailed my Legislative Agendaand Proposals for the Governor’s Budget. Constituents asked me some good tough questions, and I will incorporate some of their suggestions in Richmond. I love representing a district with so many knowledgeable and well-informed residents. They really help educate me on the issues that matter, and I never have to worry about keeping things simple. People in the 45th want all the details!
Alexandria Town Hall
My Legislative Agenda for 2016
2016: Join Me as I'm Sworn In!
There's only one day in any elected official's life when they begin their service in elected office. This has never happened to me before and will never happen again. I would be honored if you'd join me on that day.
Although my official swearing in with 99 of my fellow delegates occurs in a minute's time on January 13th, the real event you shouldn't miss is a few days later on Saturday, January 16th at 2:30 pm, when the Clerk of the House of Delegates will administer to me the Ceremonial Oath of Office.
Please join my family, friends, dozens of your fellow citizens from Alexandria, Arlington, and Fairfax, and me as we celebrate the occasion. It's our chance to "take over" the House Chamber, put residents of the 45th in the delegate chairs (a rare treat), and imagine what a truly progressive legislature would look like!
Dave, my parents, my niece and nephew, and many of my closest friends will be there. Afterward, we will celebrate at a small reception I'm hosting from 3 to 4 pm in the House Caucus room, the place where we Virginia Democrats will plot our strategy during Session. Please join us for this once-in-my-lifetime occasion!
I look forward to working with all of you to help make Virginia a better place.