My regular weekly newsletter will go out as usual, Sunday the 27th.
It's been a very eventful week, and the newsletter will be chock-full of detail.
But because some things are happening this weekend you might want to be aware of, I knew I couldn't wait until Sunday to get the word out.
with Senator Adam Ebbin
Minnie Howard School

Doors will open at 10:15 am, and we will begin promptly at 10:30 am.
The conversation at Minnie Howard School will be moderated by Michael Lee Pope, Correspondent with Connection Newspapers and Virginia Public Radio.
See you there!
Blue and Yellow Lines
South of Braddock Road
to Close for Maintenance this Weekend,
Saturday/Sunday Jan. 26-27
Free shuttles will be available for affected metrorail users tomorrow and Sunday.
Blue Line
- Stations closed: Franconia-Springfield, Van Dorn St and King St
- Free shuttle buses replace Blue Line trains between Braddock Road, King Street, Van Dorn Street, and Franconia-Springfield.
- Trains every 20 minutes, Braddock Road to Largo Town Center
- Blue Line trains will single track between Stadium-Armory and Addison Rd.
Work performed: Grout pad renewal, power cable renewal and installation of cable/communication equipment to support cellular service in tunnels and new radio system.
Yellow Line
- Stations closed: Huntington, Eisenhower Ave and King St
- Free shuttle buses replace Yellow Line trains between Braddock Road, King Street, Eisenhower Ave, and Huntington
- Trains every 20 minutes, Braddock Rd to Mt Vernon Sq
Work performed: power cable renewal and installation of cable/communication equipment to support cellular service in tunnels and new radio system.
PLEASE NOTE: There is another weekend shutdown planned for March 2 & 3, the last shut down before the great summer shutdown from Memorial Day to Labor Day.
Silver lining: after the summer shutdown, Metro has promised me they will not do any major work on the NOVA Yellow or Blue Lines for many years to follow.
The Bills I Have Chief Co-Patroned
All of these bills I have introduced in the past (many, for consecutive years), and I am proud to co-introduce them this year.
HB 1653: Similar to my HB 2650
Status: Courts of Justice Subcommittee lay it on the table on a vote of 5-1 to allow my HB 2650 to proceed.
HB 1956: Banning firearms at permitted events/protests.
Status: A Militia, Police, and Public Safety Subcommittee killed the bill on a party-line vote of 4-1.
HB 2079: Marijuana; decriminalization of simple possession, penalty.
Status: A Courts of Justice Subcommittee killed the bill on a party-line vote of 5-3.
HB 2120: Paid Family Medical Leave Program; established, financing through payroll taxes.
Status: Assigned to a Commerce and Labor, Subcommittee.
HB 2261: Employees; paid medical and family leave, civil penalties.
Status: Assigned to a Commerce and Labor Subcommittee.
The Bills I Have Co-Patroned (So Far)
During a short legislative session, House members can introduce no more than 15 bills.
As many of the bills I support are quite progressive, they are usually unable to withstand Republican majorities in Committees and Subcommittees and make it to the Floor for me to vote.
In other words, if I'm not on the examining committee, I don't get an opportunity to vote for many of the bills I deeply support.
Co-patroning my colleagues' bills and resolutions is my way of showing that I would have supported a large number of bills that may never come to me for a vote.
Here's the complete list of every one of the 162 bills, constitutional amendments, and resolutions I have co-patroned so far this year.*
*They don't include, of course, the 15 bills, constitutional amendment, and budget amendments I have introduced. I'll address those in my regular newsletter tomorrow.
- HB 1628 Absentee voting; persons age 65 or older.
- HB 1635 Fossil fuel projects moratorium; clean energy mandates.
- HB 1642 Solitary confinement; data collection and reporting, Department of Corrections to submit report.
- HB 1644 Firearms; reporting when lost or stolen, civil penalty.
- HB 1645 Virginia Fair Housing Law; unlawful discriminatory housing practices.
- HB 1647 Virginia Fair Housing Law; unlawful discriminatory housing practices.
- HB 1651 Grand larceny; increases threshold amount.
- HB 1654 Prohibited public carrying of certain firearms in public areas; penalty.
- HB 1658 Vote by mail; Department of Elections to develop a pilot program.
- HB 1685 Public schools; enrolled students, disorderly conduct.
- HB 1686 Electric utilities; limitations on fossil fuel facilities.
- HB 1687 Nonpayment of wages; private cause of action by an employee.
- HB 1689 Parole; exception to limitation on the application of parole statutes.
- HB 1690 Line of Duty Act; Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority police officers.
- HB 1691 Manufacture, import, sale, transfer, or possession of undetectable firearms; penalty.
- HB 1699 Campaign finance; prohibited personal use of campaign funds, civil penalty.
- HB 1701 Gender-neutral terms; assisted conception, prohibitions on same-sex marriage and civil unions, etc.
- HB 1703 Aviation jet fuel; taxation, distribution of certain revenue to Metro. Washington Airport Authority.
- HB 1720 Public elementary & secondary school students; suspension & expulsion, cannabidiol oil & THC-A oil.
- HB 1723 County board of supervisors; presiding officers, terminology.
- HB 1744 Smoking; unlawful in motor vehicle with a minor present.
- HB 1747 Workers' compensation; retaliatory discharge of employee.
- HB 1748 Workers' compensation; employer to notify employee of intent.
- HB 1749 Workers' compensation; foreign injuries.
- HB 1750 Workers' compensation; coverage for certain employees.
- HB 1754 Digital devices; deactivation or alteration of embedded software.
- HB 1755 Broadband services; prohibited features.
- HB 1757 Minimum wage; tipped employees, classification.
- HB 1762 Worker cooperatives; established as a category of cooperative associations.
- HB 1763 Firearms; removal from persons posing substantial risk of injury to himself, etc., penalties.
- HB 1789 Railroads; freight train crew size requirements, civil penalty.
- HB 1792 Employment; covenants not to compete, low-wage employees.
- HB 1793 Public schools; lock-down drills, notice to parents.
- HB 1794 Early voting; any registered voter allowed to vote early without providing reason, etc.
- HB 1795 Student voters; Virginia voter registration.
- HB 1798 Call centers; relocation to a foreign country, notification requirements.
- HB 1799 Criminal cases and traffic infractions; eliminates accrual of interest on fines and costs.
- HB 1800 Correctional facilities, local; voting information for persons incarcerated.
- HB 1831 Higher educational institutions, public; disciplinary proceedings against enrolled students.
- HB 1849 Dental hygienist; remote supervision of a dentist employed by DBHDS.
- HB 1850 Minimum wage; increases to $9.00 per hour effective July 1, 2019.
- HB 1854 Education, Department of; workgroup on social and emotional learning.
- HB 1856 Firearms; libraries owned or operated by localities.
- HB 1858 Virginia Grocery Investment Program and Fund; created, report.
- HB 1859 Virginia Human Rights Act; pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions, causes of action.
- HB 1860 Virginia Residential Landlord and Tenant Act; nonpayment of rent, written notice of termination.
- HB 1861 Police & court records; expungement of records relating to misdemeanor/nonviolent felony conviction.
- HB 1862 Employees; break time and location to express breast milk.
- HB 1864 Health insurance; nondiscrimination, gender identity or transgender status.
- HB 1873 School resource officers and school security officers.
- HB 1891 Food stamps; eligibility, drug-related felonies.
- HB 1892 Small business procurement enhancement program; established, report.
- HB 1899 Concealed handgun permits; demonstration of competence.
- HB 1904 Voter registration; registration on election day, registration of provisional voters, etc.
- HB 1921 School boards; unexpended local funds may be used to finance capital projects.
- HB 1923 Virginia Residential Landlord and Tenant Act; noncompliance with rental agreement, etc.
- HB 1936 Higher educational institutions, public; in-state tuition, foreign service officers.
- HB 1957 Children in need of services; disposition, certification by parent that firearms are secure.
- HB 1984 Legal holidays; Election Day.
- HB 1991 Domestic terrorism offenses; penalty.
- HB 1992 Localities; regulation of firearms in government buildings.
- HB 1993 Recounts; special election to be held in the case of a tie vote.
- HB 1994 Child care providers; fingerprint background checks.
- HB 1997 Public elementary and secondary school students; protective orders, notification.
- HB 1999 Emergency Management, Department of; responsibilities of political subdivisions.
- HB 2020 Virginia Community College System; certain registered apprenticeships, uniform instruction.
- HB 2021 Va. Investment Performance Grant/Va. Economic Development Incentive Grant Programs; reauthorization.
- HB 2025 Driver privilege cards; penalty.
- HB 2042 Assault and battery against a family or household member; prior conviction, etc.
- HB 2049 Health insurance; coverage for donated human breast milk.
- HB 2053 School boards; staffing ratios, guidance counselors.
- HB 2091 Smoking; unlawful in motor vehicle with a minor present.
- HB 2092 Campaign finance; direct contributions from corporations and business entities prohibited.
- HB 2095 Local prohibition on single use plastic and expanded polystyrene products; local tax.
- HB 2104 Public elementary and secondary schools; dress or grooming codes.
- HB 2122 Virginia Public Procurement Act; public works contracts, prevailing wage, penalty.
- HB 2128 Telemedicine; physicians licensed in contiguous jurisdictions.
- HB 2130 Election laws; time off to vote.
- HB 2131 Income tax, state; credit for low-income seniors.
- HB 2144 Duty-Free Lunch Grant Fund and Program; established.
- HB 2146 Land development; conservation or replacement of trees, local option.
- HB 2155 Vehicles stopped at crosswalks; prohibition on passing.
- HB 2156 Alcoholic beverage control; definition of "day spa."
- HB 2157 Minimum wage; increases to $10.10 per hour effective January 1, 2020, etc.
- HB 2158 Naloxone; expands list of individuals who may dispense.
- HB 2159 Plastic Pollution Prevention Advisory Council; established.
- HB 2194 Retail Sales and Use Tax; exemption for menstrual supplies.
- HB 2217 Microcredential program; Department of Education may establish.
- HB 2225 Financial institutions; immunity for disclosures of financial exploitation.
- HB 2235 Protective orders; issuance upon convictions for certain felonies, penalty.
- HB 2240 Virginia Energy Plan; covenants restricting solar energy collection devices.
- HB 2244 Firearms; possession or transportation following convictions for certain misdemeanor crimes.
- HB 2250 Protected information; newspersons engaged in journalism.
- HB 2277 Driver's license; suspensions for certain non-driving related offenses.
- HB 2283 Juvenile court; appointment of counsel, waiver.
- HB 2285 Minors; allowing access by minors, penalty.
- HB 2291 School boards; local law-enforcement agencies, memorandums of understanding.
- HB 2371 Marijuana; legalization of simple marijuana possession, penalty.
- HB 2372 Licensed or voluntarily registered family day homes; storage of firearms.
- HB 2373 Marijuana; legalization of simple marijuana possession, penalty.
- HB 2376 School meal; adoption of policies.
- HB 2378 Reproductive health services; health benefit plans required to cover costs.
- HB 2380 Higher educational institutions, public; online course catalogue, no-cost/low-cost course materials.
- HB 2381 Children's Ombudsman, Office of the, and Children's Advocacy Fund; created.
- HB 2388 In-state tuition; eligibility for certain individuals.
- HB 2392 Inquiry and report of immigration status; persons charged with or convicted of certain crimes.
- HB 2400 School Breakfast Program/National School Lunch Program; school boards to determine eligibility, etc.
- HB 2401 Public service corporations; statements of government influence spending.
- HB 2462 School boards; school meal policies, student debt, parental notification.
- HB 2472 Hate crimes; adds gender, disability, gender identity, or sexual orientation, penalty.
- HB 2479 Firearm transfers; criminal history record information checks, penalty.
- HB 2491 Abortion; eliminate certain requirements.
- HB 2492 Firearms magazines and firearms, certain; penalties, prohibition of sale, transfer, etc.
- HB 2518 Disabled Veteran's State Museum Passport; established.
- HB 2535 Digital services; protection for minors.
- HB 2556 Health Professions, Dept of, and health regulatory boards; information obtained in an investigation.
- HB 2601 Health insurance; coverage for hearing aids for minors.
- HB 2613 Maternity care patients; adds information about perinatal anxiety.
- HB 2625 Recounts; rules of procedure, multiple simultaneous recounts.
- HB 2629 Corrections Private Management Act; unauthorized private contracts.
- HB 2638 Teacher Advisory Committee; established.
- HB 2645 Electric Utility Regulation; Refund Act.
- HB 2734 DCJS; training standards for school resource officers.
- HB 2735 Virginia Coastal Protection Act; recasts Va. Shoreline Resiliency Fund.
- HJ 579 United States Constitution; ratifies Equal Rights Amendment.
- HJ 587 Commending the American Legion.
- HJ 593 Commemorating the 80th anniversary of Kristallnacht.
- HJ 598 Constitutional amendment; qualifications of voters and the right to vote (first reference).
- HJ 599 Commending the Washington Capitals.
- HJ 609 Health care spending in the Commonwealth; JLARC to study.
- HJ 616 Coal dust blown from moving trains; report.
- HJ 617 Year of Reconciliation and Civility.
- HJ 622 Commending the Matthew Shepard Foundation.
- HJ 623 Celebrating the life of Matthew Wayne Shepard.
- HJ 630 Silence Empowers Violence Break the Code Awareness-to-Action Week.
- HJ 655 Lynching; acknowledging with profound regret the existence and acceptance within the Commonwealth.
- HJ 667 Celebrating the life of Stacey Visser Dendy.
- HJ 671 DRPT; cost of commuter and light rail projects, report.
- HJ 673 JLARC; Virginia Public Guardian and Conservator Program, report.
- HJ 679 Virginia Retirement System; part-time public school teachers, report.
- HJ 686 Commending Arlington County Fire Department Station 8.
- HJ 693 Education, Department of; impediments to gathering information about certain students.
- HJ 724 Green New Deal; recognizing need for clean energy economy.
- HR 225 Commending the University of Virginia.
- SB 997 Marijuana; decriminalization of simple possession, penalty.
- SB 998 Public employment; prohibits discrimination on basis of sexual orientation or gender identity.
- SB 1007 Same-sex marriages; civil unions.
- SB 1008 Firearms; mechanical devices designed to increase rate of fire, penalty.
- SB 1092 Preliminary protective orders; hearing dates.
- SB 1096 Minors; allowing access to firearms, penalty.
- SB 1202 Correctional facilities, local; voting information for persons incarcerated.
- SB 1210 Paramilitary activities; penalty.
- SB 1291 Legal holidays; Election Day.
- SB 1394 Small businesses; changes definition, implementation of certification programs, report.
- SB 1451 Abortion; eliminate certain requirements, civil penalty.
- SB 1641 Driver privilege cards; penalty.
- SJ 250 Constitutional amendment; Governor's term of office (first reference).
- SJ 251 Constitutional amendment; marriage (first reference).
- SJ 266 Commending the Washington Capitals.
- SJ 270 United States Constitution; ratifies Equal Rights Amendment.
- SJ 284 United States Constitution; ratifies Equal Rights Amendment.
- SJ 313 Commending the Commissioners of the Revenue Association of Virginia
It is always my honor and privilege to serve you.
Delegate Mark Levine
Serving Alexandria, Arlington, and Fairfax in Virginia's 45th District