January 10: Last Event Before Session!
You are Invited to a Special Event to Support
Delegate Mark Levine and Virginia Democrats...
'Twas the Night Before Richmond
What do you want me to do in Richmond? Want to know my plans?
On Tuesday, the Tenth of January -- the night before session -- from 7 to 9 pm, you are invited to attend a fundraiser in the beautiful Belle View neighborhood just south of Old Town. I will literally drive to Richmond that evening after the event.
Please come "see me off to Richmond" at the home of
Dr. Kate Tulenko, 6400 15th Street in Alexandria.
I will be running for re-election in 2017 and could use your help. Plus we can use the funds raised to help elect Democrats throughout the Commonwealth.
This is your last chance to hear what's on tap for the 2017 session and what I will be working on. I'm eager to hear from you about your priorities.
Sponsorship Levels:
Progressive Champion-$500
Please contact us if you would like to attend but can't afford these levels.

'Twas the Night Before Richmond
'Twas the night before Richmond,
And all through the House [of Delegates]
Democrats were stirring,
Determined to oust
The terrible orange monster
Devastating the land.
Since he'd lost by 3 million votes,
They strived to understand
How an archaic system
Had chosen this guy,
So ignorant, so crass,
So determined to lie.
They knew only one way
To take on this fiend:
Gather in Virginia,
Prep for 2017.
The new year would be
America's first
Opportunity to show
How we felt 'bout the worst
President ever elected
And State Republicans too.
We had to defend Virginia.
We had much work to do:
Elect Northam and Herring
And Blue Delegates galore.
We needed our champions
To run up the score.
We'd meet at Dr. Kate Tulenko's
On a cold Tuesday night.
January 10 at 7 pm,
We'd start making it right.
At 6400 15th Street,
We'd hear Mark Levine,
The Delegate who represents us,
Our voice in '17.
We'd check out Mark's strategies
He'd hear from us too.
We must all work together
To turn Virginia Blue
We'll gather large numbers
And develop insight
On the best ways to save us
From the alt-right.
So please mark your calendar.
Please join in the fight
To make Virginia fair for everyone
To bring us all a good night.
Session starts on January 11th!
Starting this Wednesday through February 25th, I'll be down in Richmond fighting for our progressive values every day. If you're making the trip down to Richmond any day during session, make sure to stop by my office, I'd love to hear from you.
Things move fast during session, so I'll have a lot more to report next week and every week through the end of February. You can expect this newsletter to arrive every Sunday morning to update you on the latest happenings in the General Assembly and what it means for you.
Alexandria Dem. Committee Meeting
Join me at ADC's first meeting of the year at the Minnie Howard School (3801 W. Braddock Rd, Alexandria, VA 22302) on Monday, January 9th at 7:30pm. It's a great way to get more politically engaged, and you can hear me speak briefly about the upcoming session. Come by and say hi on one of my last nights here in Northern Virginia.
Sunday, Jan. 22nd at 1:00 pm
at Los Tios
Please join us for Mark's Monthly Meetup at 1:00 pm, Sunday, January 22nd, at Los Tios Mexican Grill in Del Ray, located at 2615 Mount Vernon Avenue, Alexandria.
Like all Mark's Monthly Meetups, there is no donation required. It's just a place to sit and talk and, for most of us, eat. I always want to know what's on the mind of my constituents and supporters.
We had a record turnout (almost 50 people)
for the December Monthly Meetup!
Please join us again in January.
Mid-Session Town Hall with Sen. Adam Ebbin
Sen. Adam Ebbin and I will be at the Mr. Vernon Community School (2601 Commonwealth Ave, Alexandria, VA 22305) on Saturday January 28th at 10 am. We'll be filling you in on everything happening down in Richmond, and taking your questions on the issues that matter to you. Please come by and make your voice heard.

It is my honor and privilege to serve you.
Delegate Mark Levine
Serving Alexandria, Arlington, and Fairfax
in Virginia's 45th District