Still Fighting: Mark Levine Brings A Quarter-Century of LGBTQ Activism to the General Assembly
Virginia Del. Mark Levine Speaks Out Powerfully Against Family Separation at the Alexandria Vigil for Immigrant Families
Blue Virginia
On the website,
via email,
on Facebook,
or on Twitter.
Or by mail and phone:
Richmond Office:
Pocahontas Building
900 East Main Street, Suite E208
Richmond, VA 23219
Alexandria Office:
301 King St
Alexandria, VA 22314
Mark's Fourth Annual
Fireworks on the Potomac:
Raises Thousands of Dollars
to build a Democratic Majority
Thank you to the almost 200 people who came out to support Mission 51: a Democratic majority in the House of Delegates.
This was our biggest Fireworks on the Potomac yet!
We celebrated Alexandria's birthday, ate amazing food, watched the incredible fireworks, and most importantly, raised thousands of dollars to turn the Virginia legislature blue.
With energy like this, the blue wave that started in 2017 won't be ending anytime soon.
To see lots more pictures, click here to go to my Delegate Facebook page.
Fairlington Chemical Plume:
Getting Answers for
On Monday, June 9th, Arlington County Board Member Libby Garvey and I co-moderated an informational session for Fairlington Glen and Meadows residents about the impacts of a chemical plume that has spread from a now-defunct laundromat to the groundwater underneath some of the neighborhood. This meeting, at which Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) experts Tom Faha, Richard Doucette, and Randy Chapman answered questions and listened to concerns from constituents, was months in the making and followed up on several prior smaller meetings I had with constituents.
Tom, Richard, and Randy discussed the history of the plume (a "legacy" problem from the many decades that the laundromat was in operation), the potential health impacts of the leaked chemicals, what's been done already to monitor and mitigate the impact of the plume, and most importantly, the plan to move forward in a way that protects the people in these communities. Around 75 people showed up to ask questions and learn more about the issue.
To be clear, there is no environmental crisis underway in the Fairlington Glen and Meadows communities. We don't drink the groundwater, and the limited vapors from dangerous chemicals are, at this point, minimal. But residents are well within their rights to demand answers about the plume and what is being done to limit its impact. The DEQ, having consulted with community residents and outside experts, has a robust plan in place to monitor and mitigate the impacts of the plume.
You can read more about the plume here. Please feel free to reach out to me at [email protected] with any questions or concerns.
Along with being a lawmaker, advocate, and service provider/connector, a huge part of my job description as State Delegate is "answer getter" and that is the main role I have been serving here in Fairlington in regards to the plume.
I encourage all of my constituents to let me know how I can help them get answers on tough issues like this, navigate bureaucracy, and of course, make sure they have safe, clean air and water.
GayRVA Feature Story
Still Fighting:
Mark Levine Brings A Quarter-Century of LGBTQ Activism to the General Assembly
Last week, I spoke with Marilyn Drew Necci for the Pride edition of GayRVA. I told her all about my life story as a young gay man coming out and my history of Rainbow activism, including some things I had never shared publicly before.
The July Mark's Monthly Meetup
will be tomorrow,
Sunday, July 15th
Los Tios in Del Ray
(2615 Mount Vernon Avenue in Alexandria)
2pm - 4pm
Come discuss any issue on your mind.
It's OK to come late or leave early.
And if you miss July, there's always August or September. Every month, I make sure to be available in this informal setting for any constituent who wishes to discuss a concern or just say hello.
I-395 Closures
Starting next week on Friday, July 20, the Virginia Department of Transportation will begin rehabilitating numerous bridges along I-395 between the Washington, DC, line and the Springfield Interchange to improve the rideability and extend the service life of the 50-year-old structures. This work will take place over six consecutive weekends, depending on the weather.
To accomplish this, the construction team will need to close two I-395 general-purpose lanes each weekend, closing on Friday nights and re-opening on Monday morning so as not to affect weekday commutes. All sections of I-395 will maintain at least two general-purpose lanes during daytime hours.

In the Community

brought a large number of Democratic delegates...

Sadly, no Republican accepted our invitation to listen to the perspectives of Virginians on gun regulation,
even though those who opposed reform of our gun-safety laws were also in attendance.

thanked them for supporting my bill on body cameras, and shared with them some of Alexandria's storied history.

with reproductive rights advocates at the New Virginia Majority office.

and Quinnie Lin, Senior Community Organizer for Planned Parenthood of the Metropolitan Washington, D.C..
Upcoming Events - Please Join Me!
(I personally participate in the events in red.)
TODAY - Saturday July 14
Del Ray Music Festival
Along Mt. Vernon Ave
Mark's Monthly Meetup
Los Tios Restaurant
2615 Mount Vernon Avenue, Alexandria
Living Wage Certificate Launch
Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy and the Virginia Theological Seminary
Capitol Post
625 N. Washington St. Suite 425, Alexandria
Project PEACE Leadership Roundtable
Arlington County Detention Center Training Room
1435 N. Courthouse Road, Arlington
Shenandoah Valley Pride
Court Square, Harrisonburg
Certificate of Public Need Work Group
House Committee Room
Pocahontas Building, Richmond
It is always my honor and privilege to serve you.
Delegate Mark Levine
Serving Alexandria, Arlington, and Fairfax in Virginia's 45th District