Representing Alexandria, Arlington, and Fairfax

Newsletter - March 26, 2020

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‘I will shoot you’: Los Angeles DA sorry after her husband pulls gun on Black Lives Matter protesters at their home
Washington Post

2020 VAPLAN Virginia Progressive Legislative Scorecard
Blue Virginia

House Versus Senate: Conservative upper chamber undermines progressive House of Delegates
Fairfax Connection

LGBT Discrimination

Virginia to Become First Southern State to Ban LGBT Discrimination
Courthouse News Service

Animal Cruelty
(Outdoor Tethering)

Victory! These Tethering Bills Will Prevent Dogs From Dying on Chains

Removing Victorian Laws on Marriage and Sexuality

House says "I do" but Senate panel says "I don't"
Virginia Public Radio

Sex before marriage is now legal in Virginia
US News & World Report

A new bill could finally make it legal for unmarried people to have sex in Virginia

Virginia repeals fornication law
Fort Hunt Herald

Legislators grapple with changing bawdy place, prostitution laws

Police Body Cameras

New law will require transparent policies on police body cameras
Augusta Free Press

Police in Virginia must adopt policy prior to deploying body cams
Washington Examiner

National Popular Vote

INSTITUTE INDEX: Virginia declines to advance the national popular vote for president
Facing South


Redistricting fight heads to dramatic conclusion

Reid votes against anti-gerrymandering amendment; House committee votes yes

Video: Virginia House Privileges &
Elections Committee Reports “Piss-Poor” Redistricting Amendment to the Floor
Blue Virginia

Video: Delegates Vivian Watts, Mark Levine Systematically Demolish Redistricting Amendment 
Blue Virginia

Chair, Public Safety

Committee Assignments:

Courts of Justice
Privileges & Elections
Public Safety
Health, Welfare, & Institutions

Recent developments:

A comprehensive list of the Governor's actions on the pandemic

Public Health Emergency Order to Enforce 10 Patron Limit in restaurants, gyms, and theaters

Metro service reduced to support essential trips only

Updated Department of Education FAQs related to school closures

Supreme Court of Virginia Declaration of Judicial Emergency

Health Resources:

Coronavirus in the DMV
Washington Post

Virginia Department of Health

Center for Disease Control and Prevention

World Health Organization

National Institutes of Health

Article on Mobile Testing in Arlington

Medicaid and FAMIS

Economic & Practical Resources:

File for unemployment

Driver's licenses and vehicle credentials

FAQ from workers re Covid-19

For State Employees

Info for Alexandria City:

City of Alexandria Health Department

Alexandria Public Schools

ACPS has also set up "ACPS-At-Home" to provide details to students and families during this extended closure.

Alexandria Public Schools Food Resources

ACPS has arranged food for ANY child 2-18 and ANY family who needs it.

Info for Arlington County:

Arlington County Department of Health

Arlington County Public Schools

Arlington County Public Schools Food Resources

Info for Fairfax County:

Fairfax County Health Department

Fairfax County Public Schools

Fairfax County Public Schools Food Resources

Federal COVID-19 Links:

National Institute of Health

US Senator Mark Warner

US Senator Tim Kaine

Congressman Don Beyer



On the website,
 via email,
 on Facebook,
 or on Twitter.

Or by mail and phone:

Alexandria Office:
301 King St
Alexandria, VA 22314

[email protected]

I wanted to let you know about two upcoming opportunities to learn about all that we accomplished during the legislative session beginning just 15 minutes from now!

TONIGHT, 7-8:30 pm:

League of Women Voters of Arlington's
virtual post-legislative session forum



The League is hosting its virtual post-legislative session forum this evening at 7pm! I am not the only elected official taking part tonight. Senators Barbara Favola, Janet Howell, and Adam Ebbin and my fellow Delegates Patrick Hope, Alfonso Lopez, and Rip Sullivan are participating.

The event will be held via Zoom, a video-conferencing app that's very easy to use, even if you've never worked with it before. To attend, simply go to and follow the instructions.

I believe the number of attendees may be limited to 100. So please begin at 7 sharp if you want to ask a question. If you don't make it in the first 100 or don't want to ask a question or see it live, I'm told it will be archived here thereafter:

SUNDAY, MARCH 29,  1-3 pm:

Mark's (Virtual) Monthly Meetup
Special Guest, Dr. Stephen Haering,
Head of the Alexandria Health Department

Then, this Sunday, from 1-3pm, I will be hosting my Mark's Monthly Meetup via Facebook Live. You'll have me all to yourself for two hours, with no limitations as to numbers who can join us!

We'll be joined by Dr. Stephen Haering, the head of the Alexandria Health Department, for the beginning, and I'll be sharing a summary of the legislative session and taking questions just as I do every Monthly Meetup. 

You can watch my meetup live by simply going to my official Facebook page between 1 and 3 pm on Sunday. The recording will be archived on Facebook as well. 

I have been hosting in-person monthly meetups ever since I was first elected in 2015. Sadly, this'll be the first one that we've had to do virtually. And sorry, folks. No margheritas (unless you make them yourself).

Because I want to make sure I answer people's questions, especially questions from my constituents, I would ask that you to pre-submit a Question for Dr. Haering or me through the form linked below:

Ask Mark or Dr. Haering Your Question for Sunday!

We will also take questions via the comments on Facebook, but we will be prioritizing answering questions that come through this form. 

The Federal Stimulus Bill

Congress has passed a federal stimulus bill to support workers and buoy our economy. Senator Mark Warner has a good description of the stimulus bill that passed and what has been happening at the federal level over the course of this pandemic outbreak.

I encourage you to check out Senator Warner's webpage on the coronavirus for more details.

Anh Phan from Senator Warner's staff has asked that anyone with questions or concerns about the stimulus bill or federal efforts to please contact her directly. She will be available from 9 am to 5 pm.  Her phone number is 703-442-0670.

The Governor is now doing COVID-19 briefings every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 2 pm, unless I otherwise notify you. You can and should watch them live on the Governor's Facebook Page.

Please be careful and follow the guidelines about social distancing, hand washing, and sanitizing. Please make sure you are mentally and emotionally healthy as well. Check in on those you love with a phone call or a text. And if you know anyone who is depressed or suicidal, there are hotlines to help. Call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, 1-800-273-8255, or the Disaster Distress Helpline, 1-800-985-5990.  

If there is anything that I personally can do to help or if you know someone that is in need of help, please do not hesitate to reach out to our office at 571-234-8481 or via email at [email protected].

[The Covid-19 and Census information below and the links to the left were posted in prior newsletters. If you've already reviewed this information, you may want to skip ahead to some never-before-seen pictures from session, including from when I presided over the Chamber.]


The Virginia Emergency Operations Center (VEOC) has asked that any questions you may have about the virus and Virginia's response be directed to: [email protected] where a staff member will be able to answer your question or direct you to the right agency to get your question answered.

Feel free to cc me ([email protected]) so that I can make sure you get your questions answered.

Again, stay strong. I am here for you. So are our Governor and professionals throughout Virginia's government agencies. 

For a comprehensive list of actions Governor Northam has announced to combat COVID-19 in Virginia, visit

WHO IS MOST AT RISK? - Older adults and those with compromised immune systems.

PRECAUTIONS - Virginians can take precautions to prevent the potential spread of this disease:

  • If you are at higher risk, stay home.
  • If you are sick, stay home.


  • Maintain 6 feet of separation from any other person.
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Avoid crowds as much as possible.
  • Avoid non-essential travel.


  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Wash your hands often with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds.
  • Use alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60 percent alcohol if soap and water are unavailable.
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
  • Clean and disinfect surfaces and objects people frequently touch.
  • Use elbow or back of your hand to touch elevator buttons.
  • After washing, use a paper towel to open bathroom doors and turn off sinks after washing.

If you have the symptoms of COVID-19, such as a fever of over 100.4 F, coughing and/or shortness of breath, please contact your primary care physician for information on an exam and testing.

If your physician is not available or you do not have a primary care physician, contact an urgent care center or Neighborhood Health.

Click here for the Center for Disease Control and Prevention's Frequently Asked Questions page. 

The Virginia Department of Health's website has valuable information about safety precautions, emergency contact information, and the status of the virus in Virginia.

Don't Forget to Take the 2020 Census!

Image result for 2020 censusDuring this difficult time, we must not forget other necessary responsibilities we must complete as Americans. One very important duty, which only happens once every 10 years, is to fill out the Census. Not only is the information from the Census used for statistical reasons, it will be used for essential items such as allocation of federal funds, redistricting, and informing decisions on where to build and maintain important facilities such as schools and hospitals. Please visit the official Census website here to fill it out today!

Pictures from Session

(During these serious times, I thought it might be a
nice break to share photos from Richmond)

I had the privilege of presiding over the House on one of the last days of session.

The view from the Speaker's dais during a brief recess.

My office's not quite completely updated bill tracking chart 
illustrates how busy we were down in Richmond.

Fun showing Alexandria School Board Member Meagan Alderton the House floor. Remember to thank your local educators/public servants like Meagan!

Meagan was key to passage of my HB894,
which will hopefully be signed by the Governor soon!

The moment of adjournment!
We thought we'd be getting some time to rest thereafter.
COVID-19 had other ideas. 

Upcoming Events

Thursday, March 26, 7:00 - 8:30 pm

League of Women Voters of Arlington
Post-Legislative Session Forum

Zoom Video Conference (click link)

Sunday, March 29,
1:00 - 3:00 pm

Mark's Monthly Meetup
with Special Guest Dr. Stephen Haering
from the Alexandria Health Department

Mark's Facebook Page (click link)

Thank you again for the honor and privilege of representing you.

Delegate Mark Levine
Serving Alexandria, Arlington, and Fairfax in Virginia's 45th District