Representing Alexandria, Arlington, and Fairfax

Body Camera Policies (HB 2134)

Legislative Action Summary

I firmly support police body cameras. In difficult situations involving use of force by law enforcement, it helps all of us to know exactly what happened so that justice can be served.

In 2016 I introduced an ambitious bill on body cameras, with detailed requirements concerning use of cameras, storage of footage, etc.  This year's bill was minimal in an attempt to get all parties on board: if a police department chooses to implement body cameras, the bill would have required that the department have a written policy on body cameras adopted after public comment. Uniquely in an environment of distrust, my legislation was supported by both Virginia law enforcement and the NAACP.

However, even this bare-bones policy met with skepticism, and the bill died once more in subcommittee. I will try again next year.

Click here to download the bill

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