Virginia Lt. Gov. Ralph Northam: "We do not need assault weapons on our streets"
The Washington Post
Arlington legislative delegation already gearing up for 2018 session
Inside Nova
End the Machine Gun Loophole!
Fox 5
On the website,
via email,
on Facebook,
or on Twitter.
Or by mail and phone:
301 King St
Alexandria, VA 22314
I Had A Dream -- A Nightmare
I had a dream last night.
It was a nightmare.
I dreamed that Ralph Northam lost the Election.
I dreamed that we won only two seats in the Virginia House of Delegates.
I dreamed that Mark Herring and Justin Fairfax lost as well.
In my dream, I heard Ed Gillespie speak.
His first order of business was to redraw the Virginia District lines.
After all, he is the King of Gerrymandering.
Soon, Republicans would control 2/3 of both Virginia House and Senate.
Now it wouldn't matter if we elected a Democratic Governor in 2021, 2025, or 2029.
The GOP would control Virginia for at least 14 years.
And frankly, it would be hard to have a chance in 2031.
We would become North Carolina or Mississippi.
And people of good will and businesses that value diversity would flee the state.
I dreamed that Jill Vogel won. Her first order of business was to require all women seeking abortions to first have unnecessary, invasive transvaginal ultrasounds. Her hope was that women, fearing a literal invasion of their bodies by the Government, would feel tremendous pressure to give birth to unwanted children. And then she would vote to take away those children's health care and education, force them on underpaid, underregulated (and therefore sometimes abusive) foster parents, in order to consign them and/or their mothers to a life of poverty, crime, mistreatment, and early death.
I dreamed that Mark Herring was no longer Attorney General. I dreamed the new AG required Virginia Government to fire all its gay and lesbian employees and kick transgender kids out of school (because you can't go to school if you can't legally use a restroom). I dreamed the new AG refused to prosecute any police officer that shot and killed unarmed black men. I dreamed the new AG made Virginia a living hell for immigrants, so that they stopped reporting crimes, leading to a dramatic increase in MS-13 and other deadly gang activity.
I dreamed that the Virginia House of Delegates and the Virginia Senate got so Republican, after gerrymandering, that Democrats retired en masse and no one wanted to run for office. Without any voice in Government, Democrats just quit voting and left the state.
And then I woke up.
And I realized that we must do everything in our power:
-- to VOTE,
-- to get our family, friends, work colleagues, and neighbors to VOTE,
-- to canvass neighborhoods to get other Virginians to VOTE, and
-- to ensure all of our Democratic Candidates for the House of Delegates that have a reasonable chance of prevailing have the funding they need for field workers, mailers, digital advertising, and television ads to get others out to VOTE.
It's Easy to Vote Early
You can vote absentee if you are unable to easily vote on Election Day. See the listed excuses (listed here). If you have to apply online for an absentee ballot by mail, you can go here to do it. The deadline is Tuesday October 31st and you should do so as soon as possible so you don't have mail problems. But that's not the easiest way to do it.
Vote NOW in person!
If you can do it, it's much better to vote absentee by going to your Registrar in-person until Saturday, November 4 and cast your vote right then and there. No need to fill out any forms before you arrive. Just go at one of these convenient times and places and VOTE HERE:
Alexandria Registrar
132 N Royal St, Suite 100
Monday - Saturday 8 am - 5 pm
Arlington County Times and Locations
Fairfax County Times and Locations
If you have a photo voter ID, please bring it. But if you don't have an acceptable picture voter ID, they will issue a temporary ID right on the spot at the Registrar's office and allow you to vote then and there.
Join Congressman Jim Moran, First Lady Dorothy McAuliffe, and candidate for Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax on Saturday, October 21 from 11:30am-2pm

hosted by Jim Moran at his home in McLean.
All money raised will go to electing more Democrats to the House of Delegates in 2017.
Reception for Elizabeth Guzman Tomorrow
Sunday, October 22 from 11am-1pm
LGBT Happy Hour with Ralph Northam
Monday, October 23 from 7:30-9pm

Pre-High Heel Race Cocktails for Virginia House Democrats
Tuesday, October 24 from 6-8pm

Join Senator Tim Kaine and me on
Wednesday, October 25 from 7:00-8:30pm

hosted by Dan Turton and Bree Raum at their home in Arlington.
All money raised here will also go to electing more Democrats to the House of Delegates.
Mark's Monthly Meetup
Los Tios in Del Ray
Saturday, October 28 at 2 pm
Please join me for the October Mark's Monthly Meetup from 2-4 pm at Los Tios Mexican restaurant in Del Ray (2615 Mount Vernon Avenue in Alexandria). No doubt, we'll have plenty to talk about. Come join us to eat, relax, and discuss policy and politics.
And if you miss October, there's always November and December. Every month, I make sure to be available in this informal setting for any constituent who wishes to discuss a problem or just say hello. Help me get to know you better, so I can better determine your priorities in Richmond. I always strive to be as accessible to you as I can possibly be.
In the Community...
Legislative Work Session with the Alexandria Delegation and the City Council Subcommittee
Legislative panel for the Alexandria Council of Human Services Organizations with Sens. Adam Ebbin and George Barker
Retirement ceremony for Alexandria's long-time Legislative Director, Bernie Caton.
Thanks to former Del. Marian Van Landingham for coming by.
Arlington-Alexandria Gay and Lesbian Alliance with Arlington County Board Chair Jay Fisette
Arlington Civic Federation's Uncontested Candidates' Forum
Speaking to the Alexandria Democratic Committee
Dedicating Pat Miller Neighborhood Square with Rep. Don Beyer and Mayor Allison Silberberg
Art on the Avenue in Del Ray
Susan and Charlie Davis, who hosted a wonderful wine and cheese reception for me in their beautiful Old Town home
Fundraiser for my fellow Alexandria Delegate Charniele Herring
Fundraiser for candidate Jen Carroll Foy
Fundraiser for House Democrats with US Sen. Amy Klobuchar
Arlington Legislative Town Hall with the Leadership Center for Excellence
Vigil to call for meaningful gun safety reform after Las Vegas
with Lt. Gov. Ralph Northam, AG Mark Herring, Rep. Don Beyer, and many others
8th Congressional District Dems Kennedy-King Dinner with Justin Fairfax and Alexandria City Councilman Willie Bailey
With Tom Perriello and Kathleen Joshua at Tiffeny Sanchez's elegant reception in support of Mission 51
Upcoming Events I Will Be Attending:
Please join me.
Saturday, October 21, 11:30am (NOW!)
Jim Moran Fundraiser for House Democrats
McLean, VA
Sunday, October 22, 11am
Meet and Greet with Elizabeth Guzman
205 E Clifford Ave, Alexandria
Monday, October 23, 6pm
Fundraiser for Ralph Northam
Monday, October 23, 7:30pm
Ralph Northam LGBT Happy Hour
Freddie's Beach Bar, 555 23rd St S
Tuesday, October 24, 6pm
Pre-High Heel Race Cocktails for Virginia House Dems
Number Nine, 1435 P St NW
Washington, DC
Wednesday, October 25, 7pm
Tim Kaine Fundraiser for House Democrats
Saturday, October 28, 2pm
Mark's Monthly Meetup
Los Tios, 2615 Mt Vernon Ave, Alexandria
Sunday, October 29, 2pm
Del Ray Halloween Parade
Del Ray, Alexandria
Tuesday, November 7
Election Day!
It is always my honor and privilege to serve you.
Delegate Mark Levine
Serving Alexandria, Arlington, and Fairfax in Virginia's 45th District