Representing Alexandria, Arlington, and Fairfax

Mark's Bills

I believe constituents have a right to know what their elected representatives are up to, particularly with regard to legislation they introduce. I plan to uphold what I call the Gold Standard of Transparency by directing my staff to video-record the proceedings on each of my bills as they come before subcommittee and committee. That way, every constituent can know exactly what was said and done on each of the 20 or so bills I introduce.  Scroll down to see my bills for the 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, and 2016 sessions.

Committee Assignments

(2020, 2021)

  • Courts of Justice
  • Health, Welfare and Institutions
  • Privileges and Elections
  • Public Safety

(2018, 2019)

  • Health, Welfare and Institutions
  • Militia, Police and Public Safety

(2016, 2017)

  • Health, Welfare and Institutions
  • Science and Technology


Legislation (2020)

Click here for Mark's Letter on the 2020 Legislative Session Introduced (Patron) Chief Co-Patron Co-Patron

Employment; wage inquiries, civil penalty (HB 326)

Bans employers from asking for the salary history of job applicants. People should be paid based on their value to an employer, not based on their salaries from prior jobs. Salary history questions have been reported as a leading cause of the still-existing pay gulf between men and women, and between whites and people of color.

Click here to learn more

Public employees; collective bargaining (HB 327)

Allows public sector employees to collectively bargain for better benefits and higher wages. 

Click here to learn more

Legislation (2018)

Introduced (Patron) Chief Co-Patron Co-Patron

Control of firearms by localities; lawful demonstrations and protests (HB 814)

Allows a locality to adopt an ordinance that prohibits the possession, carrying, transporting, or storing of any weapon, firearm, ammunition, or components or combination thereof within 1,000 feet of a demonstration, march, parade, protest, rally, or other similar event. Such an ordinance shall not apply to any law-enforcement officer, armed security officer, member of the Armed Forces of the United States, member of the Armed Forces Reserves, or member of the National Guard acting in the performance of his lawful duties.

Click here to learn more

Individuals receiving services; right to unmonitored communication and access to 911 (HB 815)

Provides that each individual receiving services in a hospital, training center, or other facility or program operated, funded, or licensed by the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services shall be allowed to send and receive sealed letter mail and make and receive at least one telephone call per week without such mail or call being monitored by the staff and shall be afforded access in emergency situations to a telephone to place 911 emergency service calls.

Click here to learn more