Virginia Delegate Hosts Listening Session at Church to Hear What Constituents Are Feeling
WJLA Washington D.C.
Letter: Racism, Sexual Assault Have No Place in Virginia
Inside NOVA
As Richmond Scandals Drag On, Arlington Democrats Urged to 'Keep the Faith'
Mark's Radio Interview on Larry O'Connor Show
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I Heard You At Our Listening Session
Thank you to the more than 150 of you who came to speak and to listen.
The conversations were sorrowful but respectful. We all learned from one another.
I want to thank each and every one of you who joined us at Third Baptist Church last Sunday to voice your feelings and listen to your fellow community members do the same. For those of you who weren't there, we set out some ground rules to guide us that I thought worked exceedingly well:
1) Be respectful. I asked each speaker if you disagree with someone, to disagree with their point of view rather than calling someone out.
2) One at a time. Everyone could speak once. No one could speak twice.
3) No time limit, unless someone spoke much longer than others (and then I encouraged that person to wrap it up).
4) The press who attended were required not to record anyone who asked not to be recorded. We also took a vote as to whether or not the media could stay, and the overwhelming majority in the Church voted to allow them to stay.
5) People were urged to stay on the topics of racism, sexism, sexual assault, and what should be done with Virginia's leaders.
Thank you everyone for respecting these rules. The only off-topic comments made were were about abortion, and I asked folks concerned about that to come join my regular Mark's Monthly Meetup next Sunday (a week from today -- 2-4 pm at Los Tios in Del Ray), where I regularly discuss in an informal gathering any and all topics that folks wish to discuss.
For those who could not make it, ABC's Channel 7 compiled a less-than-two-minute clip that gives you a small indication of what the listening session was like:
Click on the image above to see ABC's Channel 7 take on the Listening Session.
(Click again on the picture at the top of the article to watch the video.)
The entire article is worth reading. Here's just a smattering of the comments made as compiled by Channel 7:
“He who is without sin, cast the first stone”
“There is a major problem: racism”
“I’m sorry, Governor. I’m sorry Lieutenant Governor, but my reservoir for tolerance for these types of shenanigans in the public eye is completely tapped out”
“I could be tarred and feathered for this, but I don’t want Ralph Northam to resign”
“I’ll tell you one thing. If anybody has to have a problem, it should be me. I’m a black man and I’m offended”
“I recognize in Ralph something in myself that is hard to admit, but a lot of white people are going to say and do racially insensitive things because we are racially illiterate”
“My family members are not racist. My friends, my classmates are not racist. We didn’t put on any blackface or dress up like members of the Ku Klux Klan. So, I resent being painted with the same brush as Governor Northam”
“I believe the women. I believe Dr. Tyson, I believe Miss Watson”
"I believe in innocent until proven guilty”
I discussed these topics on the radio with conservative talk radio host Larry O'Connor on WMAL in Washington and explained the reasoning behind my calls for resignation as well as the various legal scenarios that would occur if any of our Virginia political leaders decided to resign. You can click on the image below to listen to the full 14- minute radio interview:
Click on the radio image above to listen to my WMAL interview regarding Virginia's leaders.
This Wednesday!
Democrats to Force Floor Battle on the
Equal Rights Amendment
If we add up all the Members of the House of Delegates who claim to support the Equal Rights Amendment -- which includes every single Democrat and a handful of Republicans -- we would have more than enough votes to ratify the ERA.
But, as I noted last week with LGBT rights, many a Republican in the House of Delegates claims to support equal rights but rests secure in the knowledge that their Republican party leadership would never willingly allow a vote on the issue. That's why not a single gay-rights bill was allowed to be heard by a single House Committee this session. It was to allow those pretending-to-be-moderate Republican delegates to shrug their shoulders and mislead their constituents by claiming, "I would have voted for equal rights if only given the opportunity."
It's not true. It was never true.
That's why last week, I put the basic issue of whether Virginia should be allowed to fire all its employees solely for being LGBT to the test by forcing a House Floor vote on the issue: every single Republican failed the test. And by rejecting Rainbow equality on a strict party-line vote, Republican Delegates put a lie to the claims by some of them (and the misleading claims of even some gay-rights organizations) that there exist some Virginia Republican Delegates who actually do believe in fairness and equality under the law. No one can believe such nonsense anymore. Everyone who believes in equal rights for gay and lesbian and transgender Virginians now know how essential it is to vote against every single Republican in the House of Delegates. (For more on what happened on LGBT rights last week, check out last week's newsletter.)
To sum it all up, it doesn't matter what you say; what matters is how you vote.
We now arrive at exactly the same conclusion with the Equal Rights Amendment. A handful of Republican Delegates have said publicly that they support the ERA. And while we Democrats are extremely skeptical they are telling the truth, there are a handful of advocates who actually take the Republicans at their word.
Well, as with my LGBT Floor Amendment, we will give these Republicans who claim to support the ERA an opportunity to put their vote where their mouth is, a chance not to be hypocrites. This Wednesday, Democrats will force a Floor vote on the ERA.
I'm pretty confident that the Republicans who claim to support the ERA are not telling the truth to their voters, just as they misled their constituents on LGBT equal rights. But what the heck? Let's prove it once and for all.
The vote will be this Wednesday. Will there be two House Republicans willing to cross party lines and join every single House Democrat in supporting ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment, making Virginia the 38th and final state necessary for the ERA to become part of the United States Constitution?
I won't hold my breath. But at least, if on Wednesday -- as I expect -- these ERA-professing Republicans don't end up actually voting for the ERA, we can once and for all prove their rhetoric about believing in equality for women is as empty and hypocritical as their false avowals that they believed gay, lesbian, and transgender folks should be equal under the law. Remember: it doesn't matter what you say; what matters is how you vote.
My House Bills in the Senate
My bill HB2425 is on its way to becoming law.
Schoolhouse Rock Bill would be proud.
Mandatory Reporting of Healthcare-Related Infections
HB2642 would make it a felony to use cruelty toward animals to coerce, intimidate, or harass a household or family member, or to torture or maim a pet dog or cat. The bill went through House Courts of Justice subcommittee and committee and passed unanimously out of the House of Delegates. On Thursday I presented the bill to the Senate Agricultural, Conservation, and Natural Resources Committee, which voted unanimously in favor of it but sent it on to the Senate Finance Committee which will hear the bill Monday.

The sun rises over the Virginia Capitol.
Even if you think that makes sense when landowners did not wish to sell, the
bill as drafted placed no limit on such a tax exemption. That meant even if a large landholder, like a developer, received $20 million (or more!) in profits when its land was purchased via eminent domain, the developer wouldn't have to pay Virginia taxes on any of that $20 million profit. (They would still have to pay the federal capital gains tax, of course, but other Virginia taxpayers would have to cover the balance of Virginia taxes no longer paid by the multi-millionaire land developer.)the developer should pay Virginia taxes like everyone else.
The Federal Government taxes this income. Why shouldn't we?
Why should middle-class Virginians pay for this multi-millionaire tax break?
Click on the image above to watch me make this case on the House Floor.
Just One More Week of Session!
Candid shot of me reading a constituent email after 10 pm to prepare for votes the next day

There would be an election in November 2019 to fill the remaining two years of the LG's term. In such an election, the LG appointed by the Governor could be re-elected or a new one could be elected to take his/her place.
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Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day from the Pocahontas Building in Richmond!
Folks there take Valentine's Day very seriously.
is my Administrative Assistant Rebecca Tully.

It is always my honor and privilege to serve you.
Delegate Mark Levine
Serving Alexandria, Arlington, and Fairfax in Virginia's 45th District